Facial acupuncture for Acne skin

Acupuncture is a very effective way to fight acne and with no side effects to worry about. Many of our clients have experienced extremely positive results after this therapy. During acupuncture therapy, you are also required to undergo certain nutritional and lifestyle changes to obtain the best results.
Acne is a very common problem of the pilosebaceous glands. Milder cases perhaps only require external treatments such as a deep cleansing facial. But some more severe cases may require internal and external therapies, otherwise the acne can leave permanent scars when it recedes.
Acupuncture helps acne patients, and with no negative side effects.

The cause of acne:

  • Lung Heat: Symptoms include acne with a predominance of lesions on the forehead and near the nose. There may be slight itching as well. In cases with a rapid onset of new lesions, the patient may complain of chills or sensitivity to Wind. The patient may have an aversion to heat and feel thirsty. The tongue is generally red with a thin yellow coat, and the pulse may be rapid and floating.
  • Stomach Heat: Symptoms include acne with a predominance of lesions around the mouth and on the chest, shoulders, and back. The patient may have an aversion to heat; have a large appetite and thirst; and prefer greasy, spicy foods. There may be a tendency to pass dry stools as well. The tongue is usually red with a thick yellow coating, and the pulse is rapid and forceful.
  • Toxic Heat: Symptoms include severe acne, strongly inflamed with pus-filled nodules and much reddening of the skin around the lesions. The patient may have an aversion to heat as well and may complain of malaise. The tongue is generally red with a dry yellow coating, and the pulse is rapid.
  • Damp Heat: Symptoms include acne composed of deep, pus-filled, inflamed nodules. The skin usually is oily, and the patient may have an aversion to heat. He or she may be thirsty but have no desire to take fluids. The tongue generally is red or crimson, with a greasy or sticky coating. The pulse is rapid and may have slippery or wiry qualities as well.
  • Blood Heat: Symptoms include acne that is accompanied by a flushed face and strong aversion to heat. The patient may complain of thirst, dark urine, and dry stools. The tongue usually is red (with a redder tip) and has a yellow coating, or may be crimson in colour. The pulse usually is rapid and thin.

Acne Therapy at Chisense

In Chisense, we combine Deep Cleansing Facial with Acupuncture to work on acne, along with advice on lifestyle and diet. The therapy takes approximately 2 hours.